Why choose an inventory management software ?

08 January 2020

Why choose an inventory management software?

No matter what industry your business is in, it is essential to master your inventory management. To do this, the inventory management software offers you specially designed features with the aim of optimizing your inventory management. It gives you an overview of your business, suppliers and customers.

Indeed, the costs related to the possession of stock can be very high in the event of surplus stock but also in the event of out of stock, which could make you loose sales.

Manage your stocks and flows with a unified vision

First and foremost, inventory management software gives you a unified view of all of your storage sites, by managing multiple sites. With this software, you can create your products and equipments across all of your storage locations. You thus obtain complete traceability on all the operations carried out on your stock such as stock entries or exits, stock movements, etc.

Thanks to inventory management software, you can optimize the quantities you have in stock, in order to limit the costs associated with it. You can thus configure replenishment thresholds so that a purchase order is triggered only when the quantity of the product exceeds this threshold. This ensures that you only have the optimal quantity of this product in stock, and thus limits the amount of financial resources tied up.

Your inventory management software will also be able to offer you reports on your best sales, so you can organize your future orders optimally, especially on products with high seasonality.


Manage your orders in real time

In an increasingly connected world, you need to rethink the way you sell using all the channels available to you. This multiplicity of channels brings complexity to your inventory and order management.

Inventory management software allows you to process your sales orders from all your sales channels, in one software. You can thus follow the various stages in real time (preparation, shipment, etc.) while obtaining the documents relating to your sale (purchase order, preparation, delivery and invoice).

You can thus achieve your sales while minimizing errors thanks to the complete traceability of your products and orders that the software offers you.

To manage your different sales channels, you also have the option of interfacing your inventory management software with other CRM, e-commerce, ERP solutions, etc.


Use a Saas solution

A Saas (Software as a Service) solution is entirely hosted by its publisher. This allows you to benefit from an immediate deployment of the solution in your company, you do not need to install additional hardware. This solution is entirely hosted in the cloud, to allow you to work in hypermobility, from a computer or a smartphone. The solution can therefore be used by all your employees simultaneously.



Unlike open source software, you get support when deploying inventory management software. You will thus receive advice on choosing your software, and training in the use of the software, so that you can be up and running as quickly as possible. You also have customer support to help you with any difficulties. You thus obtain personalized support according to your needs.


Why choose an inventory management software?

Digitizing your inventory management is therefore essential for your business, it will allow you to benefit from a real-time overview of your inventory. Choosing a SaaS solution will prove to be the best choice, in order to be able to work in complete mobility with your employees and thus optimize and automate all operations concerning your stock, such as receipt of supplier orders or preparation of customer orders.

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