In-store mobility : what solutions for what challenges ?
06 October 2021

06 October 2021
From simple interactive kiosks to devices that the salesperson now carries around the aisles to meet customers, in-store experience is being dematerialized and transformed to meet current customer needs and demands.
To improve back office tasks and the customer experience in particular, salespeople are therefore increasingly equipped.
In-store mobility allows quicker checkout in the store and the ability to check out the customer anywhere. Thus, the customer's experience privileged and personalized because the payment methods are adapted to their habits: contactless payment, with an application on their phone, etc.
In sales process, being mobile for the salesperson also allows them to stay close to the customer throughout their buying experience. Thanks to in-store mobility, customer's average shopping cart is heavier and the salesperson has a better transformation rate since he/she proposes the ideal product or service to his/her customer. In any case, the mobile salesperson carries a stream of information with him, he does not have to leave and possibly lose the customer to check a stock level.
As shown above, inventory management and stocktaking is faster and more accurate. The store has everything to gain, it has a better traceability on its supply chain and optimizes its logistics management costs.
But anything added to the salesperson should be kept simple since each tool will impact the customer's experience in the store. The salesperson should never have to wonder about the usability of his/her tools in order to not waste the customer's time. In-store mobility should reinforce the company's omnichannel approach, facilitate withdrawals and simplify the customer experience without adding critical steps in the customer care process.
Many retailers end up getting lost in the manipulation of their devices, to the detriment of the relationship they build with the customer. It should be noted that the customer can also personally benefit from mobility in store, to inquire independently about the availability of an item or to update his contact information without having to do it with a salesperson.
In-store mobility : what solutions for what challenges ?
Monstock offers you a Smart Supply solution to digitalize and automate the management of stocks and flows. Omnichannel and agile, Monstock allows you to save time and control your flows.
Click here to learn more about Monstock use cases: customer relations and in-store customer itinerary, traceability, reception and preparation of orders, etc.
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